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Since 1975, O'Donnell Bros has been providing greater Bristol and Central Connecticut with residential and commercial remodeling solutions. We specialize in roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, downspouts and so much more. We look forward to helping you with all your remodeling needs. 

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O'Donnell Bros President, Bob O'Donnell, is a regular contributor to The Bristol Press. Read his home improvement articles here.


Filtering by Tag: planting

Outdoor Spring Cleaning Jobs To Tackle

Chelsea O'Donnell

As the weather slowly starts to warm up, the next few weeks offer a great chance for an early spring yard cleanup. While getting the lawn and garden ready for the season seems like a big job, spreading it out over a few mild weekends early in the year can make it much more palatable. Plus, the vitamin D, fresh air, and exercise will do your body and mind a world of good after a long winter indoors. 

If you didn’t clean out your beds in the autumn, now is the time to do it. Cut back any dead debris and prune any shrubs or trees that are overgrown or have been damaged by winter. It’s a lot easier to do this before buds and leaves come which makes it more difficult to see what you’re cutting. With that being said, don’t start chopping away at spring bloomers until the buds have formed. If you’re worried about weeds, now is a good time to lay down your landscaper's fabric and mulch new beds. Just be careful to leave space for the plants that you want to come through. 

Don’t let those dead leaves and plant debris go to waste. You can fence off a small area for composting or purchase a tumbler. All that easy-to-break-down yard waste and future food scraps will make fantastic soil for later spring and summer planting. 

If you didn’t reseed your lawn in the fall, it’s not too late. Start by raking up any leaves and branches that have been left behind. Raking also acts as a massage for the ground as it allows oxygen to circulate. I always take it one step further and use an aerator to break up tough, cold soil which gives grass seeds the best chance for survival. Finally, reseed and fertilize to keep hungry birds away.  

If your yard is susceptible to crabgrass, using a pre-emergent will keep weeds at bay. Just make sure you take the proper precautions and don’t apply it near your new grass seedlings as it will kill them off instantly. 

Hardy veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are best for early planting, as the same goes for peas as long as the ground is fully thawed. Spinach and lettuces are pretty tough too and can generally be put right into the ground in March if the weather cooperates. 

Finally, it’s too early now, but soon it will be time to start mowing. I always recommend setting the blade as high as it will go, especially if you’ve recently reseeded the yard. It’s smart to tread lightly in the first few weeks to make sure that the grass has time to properly root and get comfortable. Go too short too fast and you’ll have a complicated relationship with your yard for the rest of the season. 

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

Plant Now for A Thriving Fall Garden

Chelsea O'Donnell

If you think late summer is the time to give your garden a rest, think again. This time of year is perfect to get late fall and winter veggies into the ground to enjoy a delicious harvest even when the frost sets in. For those of you with a green thumb or even if you regret not making the most of your garden earlier this year, now is a great time to get planting. Let’s start with three basic tips.

First, make a note of the frost dates. A smart cool weather garden will thrive if plants are in the ground and have time to mature well before the daytime temperature starts to settle at around 55 degrees. The almanac has the first frost around the second week in October, which means you have about six weeks to get your crops settled in. 

If you’ve decided on a fall garden, you might want to think about building a cold frame. You can buy one at a local hardware store, or make your own using plywood and plastic with holes for ventilation. For a small garden, a hinged plexiglass box will do the trick but for larger beds, consider heavy-duty plastic sheeting.

Lastly, use this opportunity to give back to your garden and get it ready for next season. If you’re not too picky about what to plant or you aren’t interested in harvesting, consider a cover crop - a species that will improve the health of your soil, enhance your garden’s biodiversity, and keep pests and weeds at bay. Peas and beans are the best choices for veggies. Clover, rye, buckwheat, and sorghum work really well as a nutrient-enriching cover.

Once you’ve committed to a fall garden, the only decision left is what to plant! Some of my favorite vegetables do really well in the colder months, so luckily you have tons to choose from. In terms of leafy greens, you have your pick with chard, kale, lettuce of all kinds, and spinach. Other tough veggies like broccoli, beets, carrots, and radishes are plenty strong enough for these colder months.  My favorite roasters like fennel, parsnips, turnips, and Brussels sprouts also do incredibly well this time of year. And let’s not forget rhubarb for a delicious late-season pie!

If you love all these veggies but can’t get yourself to commit to a late summer garden, don’t worry. Bookmark this for six months' time and get excited to kick off the spring with early planting. Happy Gardening!

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

It's Time for Spring Planting

Chelsea O'Donnell

With the weather finally getting warmer, now is a great time to start preparing the garden for planting. While most people think the cold ground is too brutal for little sprouts to handle, there are a handful of hearty veggies that can thrive in the early spring. Let’s get the growing season started with these tips.

First, you need to prepare your beds or planters so your seeds can thrive. Once the soil is dry, you can start to turn it, but only if it crumbles in your hand. If soil sticks together like glue, you should wait or you’ll risk destroying the structure. You can topdress beds with compost to give the soil a nutrient boost when the time is right.

Once the soil is ready, it’s time to get planting. If you’re Irish, you know the old tradition of planting peas on St. Patrick’s Day for good luck. I don’t mind waiting a few more weeks, but getting them into the ground in early April is a must. They don’t call them spring peas for nothing!

After your peas, you can start to pop in other cold-tolerant vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. You’ll need to ensure they are protected, but getting them into the ground early is a good idea as they’ll get a headstart before the onslaught of pesky bugs and rodents. Radishes, spinach, and lettuce varieties are good spring plants too as they can generally survive a late-season frost.

If you have an indoor gardening facility, now is also a great time to get tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers started. The seeds can’t take the outdoors yet, but getting them ready to bask under fluorescent lights will ensure that you have a healthy harvest come summer.

As for other gardening jobs, early April is a good time to begin pruning apple trees, shrubs, and rose bushes. Deciduous trees and shrubs can be planted and now is a good time to get the lawn aerated. If you’re desperate for some color in the yard, spring-blooming pansies are a good pick for planters or beds since they do well in the colder weather and come in nearly every color under the sun. Daffodils and crocus are also popular and will make a nice backdrop for a neighborhood Easter egg hunt.

Of course, you know your own yard best, and getting in the garden too early can set you up for a disappointing harvest come summer. When in doubt, consult with your local gardening expert and use this time to get your soil in tip-top shape to ensure your plantings can survive and thrive this season.

Bob O'Donnell is the owner of O'Donnell Bros, Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro”. All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O'Donnell Bros, Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.