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17 Divinity St
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Since 1975, O'Donnell Bros has been providing greater Bristol and Central Connecticut with residential and commercial remodeling solutions. We specialize in roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, downspouts and so much more. We look forward to helping you with all your remodeling needs. 

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O'Donnell Bros President, Bob O'Donnell, is a regular contributor to The Bristol Press. Read his home improvement articles here.


Filtering by Tag: repair

Solar Panels Make Great Homes for Unwanted Guests

Chelsea O'Donnell

I recently had a call from a reader for a roof repair. With all the rain we’ve had recently, it has been a very busy summer for remodeling professionals but this call was a bit different than your average leak. The reader had solar panels installed a few years ago and not long after, she had noticed debris peeking from underneath. Fast forward to this summer’s deluge of rain and the leaks began. 

When I got to the house, I knew immediately what had happened. Solar panels not only attract heat but also create shelter, offering two incentives for critters to build nests. Birds are one thing but small animals such as squirrels will actually chew right through the solar panel wiring as well as the roof’s shingles. In this reader’s case, the squirrels had indeed made a meal of the roof itself, causing water to get right through the plywood and into the attic. The repair entailed removing the solar panels and patching the roof to ensure it wouldn’t be susceptible to more leaks come winter. 

If you’re wondering how common this problem is, the answer is very. A solar panel makes the perfect home for an unwanted guest. It offers shelter, warmth, and easy access to food and nest-building materials. Once an animal has built a nest, it’s almost guaranteed that they are going to cause some damage unless their home is removed. 

So what’s to stop the critters from coming back? If you’ve invested in solar panels, it’s worth also protecting them from potential damage. Most solar panel companies offer a guard that works just the same as a garden fence - it protects the solar panel and underlying roof from nesting birds and animals. Nests themselves reduce the airflow underneath a solar panel, causing the area to heat up and lessen the efficiency of the system. Animals like squirrels love to chew and wiring is just plain fun to chomp right through, so you need to stop them in their tracks. 

If you’re just considering solar, don’t forget to ask your provider for an animal control solution. For those of you who have panels that aren’t protected, there are plenty of options available. To prevent unwanted guests, it’s simple to use wire mesh, but the key is to make sure there are no gaps as rodents can push themselves through tiny, seemingly impossible spaces. As with any roof work, don’t try to install a DIY solution yourself unless you are very comfortable on a ladder and have the proper safety equipment. A roofing contractor or your solar panel installer will be able to help you do the job safely. 

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

In the Market for a New Roof? Know Your Options

Chelsea O'Donnell

With April showers often come leaks, which means roof replacement is on lots of homeowner’s minds this time of year. When thinking about a new roof, finding the right contractor, negotiating the best price, and deciding on the color and style are just a few of the options to navigate. But in the past, one thing homeowners often didn’t have to think about was the material, as asphalt roofs have been the most popular choice in our area for their cost-effectiveness and durability. But recently, metal has begun increasing in popularity. While metal roofs are more common in areas of the country with more extreme weather conditions, it’s always good to know about the different options available. So let’s take a deeper dive into the pros and cons of asphalt and metal roofs to help you make the best decision for your home.

The Asphalt Roof

Asphalt is the most popular choice with homeowners for a variety of reasons, but the single most important factor is almost always the price. The average cost to purchase the materials for an asphalt roof is nearly one-third of the cost of a metal roof. That cost differentiation gives asphalt the leg up almost every time. In addition to being the more cost-effective option of the two choices, there is a lot to love about asphalt. Individual shingles give a homeowner lots of color and design choices, and they are faster to install than a metal roof, often taking just a few days of labor. While most asphalt roofs come with a 30-year warranty, they are easy to repair if damaged, and a small section can be replaced without having to get a whole new roof. The material also performs exceptionally well in the rain, heat, sleet, and snow.

Of course, there are a few negative aspects of asphalt roofing that homeowners should be aware of. If you’re installing a new asphalt roof, I always recommend removing the old roof before installing new material, which does add to the labor cost. Another negative factor is the chance that mold, mildew, and algae will grow if a roof is shaded and stays damp for long periods of time. Also, while our Connecticut weather isn’t as severe as other parts of the country, very high winds can loosen shingles if they aren’t installed properly.

The Metal Roof

Even though they aren’t as common in our area, metal roofs have some very attractive qualities that make them worth considering. Firstly, the material is lighter than traditional asphalt roofs, and the metal sheets can often be installed right over regular asphalt as long as it doesn’t have water damage or rotten plywood underneath. Metal roofs also last longer than asphalt roofs, and maintenance is minimal. Mold and mildew cannot grow on metal so if you live in a damp area with lots of shade, this might be a worthwhile benefit. Another plus is that metal roofs are energy efficient all year round, helping to keep the house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Plus they perform very well in areas with very high-level snowfall.

Of course, there are a few cons that homeowners should be aware of, and the biggest one is cost. While metal roofs do last longer, the upfront cost can be three times as much as an asphalt roof. Additionally, if a metal roof needs to be repaired, that will also cost more as metal roofs are made in sheets and need to be replaced in that way. From an aesthetic perspective, metal roofs do come in different colors, but there aren't many more options in terms of design and aesthetic. Finally, it’s important to know that without the proper plywood installation and insulation, metal roofs can be noisy, which might not be a con for people who love the sound of rain storms.

No matter which material you use, it’s important to do your research to find the best product for your individual home. The right roof with the right contractor at the right price will ensure that you live comfortably with peace of mind for many years to come.

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

Now is a Great Time to Repair or Replace That Driveway

Chelsea O'Donnell

A driveway is the entry point into almost every home, but a cracked surface can instantly date and devalue the property, especially if you’re a homeowner who is looking to sell in the near future. Depending on the condition of the driveway, patching, resurfacing or replacing the asphalt are all options to give your home a freshening up that will increase its resale value. Let’s take a look at the best ways to tackle this project.

If you’re wondering why your driveway has cracked or crumbled in the first place, the most likely culprits are sun and rain. The strong rays from the sun break down the surface of the asphalt while water from rain, ice, and snow run underneath, eroding the gravel which creates cracks and areas that begin to cave in. A driveway should last for at least 15 years depending on its environment, but as time passes and you start to see signs of wear, you’ll know that you’re ready for an upgrade.

If cracking is your problem, have a look at how thick the cracks are. If they are less than a quarter inch wide, you can use a liquid crack filler to fix them. First, use a screwdriver to remove any debris from the crack and then use a powerful stream of water from a hose or pressure washer ensure the inside of the crack is clean. Allow the area to dry completely. Once it’s dry, shake your crack filler vigorously to ensure all the ingredients are combined. Fill the crack flush to the rest of the pavement and then smooth it out if necessary. Allow the filler to dry, noting if the mixture sinks into the pavement and requires a second coat. Wait at least 24 hours before applying a second coat if necessary and then wait for an additional 24 to 48 hours before walking or driving on the repaired pavement.

If you have larger cracks, divots, or places in the driveway that have caved in slightly, you may need to resurface it. This is cheaper than replacing the entire driveway and can be a very effective alternative if the damage is not too severe. Concrete resurfacer can be purchased at any home improvement store and should be applied according to the instructions on the bag. Remember, resurfacing means that you won’t be able to use your driveway for a few days while it dries, so don’t take on this project the same weekend that you’re hosting a picnic or family party.

Finally, if you have large sinkholes or “birdbaths”, it’s likely that the foundation and drainage system underneath the asphalt or concrete is not working properly, so patching and resurfacing are only going to work temporarily. If this is the case, you’ll likely need to replace the driveway in its entirety in order to truly fix the problem. While this is the most arduous of the three options, it will also last the longest. A new driveway under good conditions should have a lifespan of 20 to 25 years and new pavement will give your home fantastic curb appeal. Again it’s important to note that installing a new driveway is a two-step process which includes laying the gravel for drainage and setting the pavement on top. Putting down the gravel sometimes means waiting two weeks for it to settle, so before you take on this kind of work, be aware of the time that it takes to complete.

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.