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17 Divinity St
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United States


Since 1975, O'Donnell Bros has been providing greater Bristol and Central Connecticut with residential and commercial remodeling solutions. We specialize in roofing, siding, windows, doors, gutters, downspouts and so much more. We look forward to helping you with all your remodeling needs. 

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O'Donnell Bros President, Bob O'Donnell, is a regular contributor to The Bristol Press. Read his home improvement articles here.


Filtering by Tag: heating

Six Reasons Why Insulation Should Be On Your Home Improvement List

Chelsea O'Donnell

Unless you live in a brand new house, it’s more than likely that your home doesn’t have enough insulation. In fact, roughly three out of every four houses in our area are underinsulated and homeowners are paying the price in both energy bills and comfort. 

Back in the day, insulation requirements weren’t nearly as strict as they are today. To put that into perspective, many homes built in Connecticut as recently as the 60s have about as much insulation as what is now required in Florida where the weather is much warmer year-round. Because people either don’t know they don’t have enough insulation or can’t be bothered to check, many of us are living less comfortably than we should. So here are six big benefits to making this smart investment in your home. 

It will reduce your heating and cooling bills. 

Insulation provides resistance to heat flow both in and out of the house. It will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer simply by making it less difficult for air to get in or out. You’ll see the difference in your gas and electricity bills instantly.

It will make your home more comfortable. 

A lot of people avoid rooms in their houses because they get too warm or cold. This is especially true in the second-floor bedrooms of a Cape Cod-style house. More insulation equates to better temperature regulation and a more comfortable environment all around.

It’s better for the planet.

Energy efficiency is so important as we all try to decrease the impact we have on the environment. People are looking for homes that do their job to reduce their carbon footprint and insulation ensures that less energy is needed to keep homes healthy and happy. 

It helps to increase your resale value. 

As more people are getting clued into how important insulation is for the health of a house, buyers are paying more for homes that waste less. If you’re thinking about selling in the next few years, this is one upgrade that will be worth the investment.

It will keep your home quieter. 

As more of us are working from home, noise has become a hot topic at family dinner tables. Insulation can significantly reduce how volume is carried throughout the home and can also help to cushion external noise from the street. 

It will make your home healthier.

Insulation, when coupled with ventilation, is a home’s best defense against moisture getting into the attic and walls. Once moisture enters a house, it can become mold if not dealt with properly. Mold in the home is a leading cause of asthma and allergies, especially in young children and the elderly. In addition to being harmful, it can also be expensive to remediate.

So there you have it, six reasons why insulation should be on your home improvement bucket list this fall. Have questions? Don’t be shy, message me on Facebook at 

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

Ways to Save on Skyrocketing Winter Energy Bills 

Chelsea O'Donnell

Holiday lights, Christmas trees, and colder temperatures mean that December is usually one of the most expensive months in terms of utility bills. Last month, energy companies said that the average Connecticut electric bill would jump around $80 per month per household come January, so now is a great time to start thinking about ways to save. 

One resource that not enough people take advantage of is an audit by Energize Connecticut. For a fee, a home energy consultant will come to your home and conduct a full assessment, covering your furnace and water heater, air ducts, windows, doors, and more. Plus they can offer rebates for upgrades and repairs. To apply, visit the EnergizeCT website and choose your service provider. 

If you’re not interested in an assessment but would still like to winterize your home to save, here are the top five spots I always check for air leaks and heat loss. 

  1. Windows. Believe it or not, hanging heavy fabric drapes can help you retain up to 25% of the heat in your home. This is especially true with large glass doors that aren’t being used in the winter months. Also, be sure to check for gaps. Wooden window frames get warped with age and can lead to serious air leakage. For cracks smaller than a quarter of an inch, a silicone caulk will plug up areas where heat is escaping. Also, if you feel air coming through your single panes and the glass rattles with the wind, beef them up with some shrink film. This product can be found at any home supply store and can be cut to size. 

  2. Doors. We don’t often open the windows in the winter, but doors are a different story. They let lots of air escape, but they can’t be sealed completely because we need to use them. I always suggest inspecting your door sweep to ensure it’s not damaged and replacing it if the bristles have come loose. A door snake or seal can also come in handy, which can be purchased at any big box store or even made at home with an old pair of stockings and some rice, beans, newspaper, or another filling.

  3. Attic. Those of you with an attic hatch are likely losing a ton of warm air through its frame. We all know that hot air rises, so close off that hatch with an insulated box that fits over the entryway. It's a great way to retain heat in the home and you’ll still have full access to the attic to get holiday decorations, luggage, and storage items.

  4. Water Heater. Insulate your water heater’s tank and pipes with fiberglass. For the tank, fit a fiberglass blanket using foil tape, but be sure not to cover any valve or pipe openings. For the pipes, you can use fiberglass wrap or foam insulation. By adding a layer of insulation to your water heater, you’ll keep the warmth from escaping into the air and you’ll protect the machine from condensation in the summer months. 

  5. Insulation. Most homes simply do not have enough insulation in the walls and attic, which is probably the number one contributor to sky-high energy bills. Insulation acts as a barrier against heat flow, helping to keep the warm air inside the house by slowing the flow and stopping the heat from getting outside. The United States Environmental Protection Agency says that with proper insulation, the average home in our area can save approximately 16 to 50 percent in total heating and cooling costs depending on the age and condition of the home. Plus it’s one of the highest-rated home improvements in terms of real estate resale value. 

Rising energy bills will be no joke this season. Take a few steps to winterproof your home and the impending increase won’t hit your wallet as hard in the new year. 

Bob O'Donnell is the owner of O'Donnell Bros, Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions for Bob to with the subject line “Ask the Pro”. All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O'Donnell Bros, Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.

Home Heating Stoves Make for a Cozy Winter

Chelsea O'Donnell

A beautiful fireplace adds both warmth and ambiance to any home, especially as the days get cooler and we begin spending more time indoors. Back in the day, the only option for a fireplace was one that burned wood, but now we have several options to keep us toasty - each with its benefits and drawbacks. If you’re thinking about upgrading your fireplace or trying something new, here are a few options to consider.


The classic choice. There are so many reasons to love wood from the traditional crackling sound that it makes to the hypnotic dancing of natural flames. I consider wood to be the fastest heater for the money in that you can quickly warm up a home without having to worry about your electricity bills. Another reason to love wood is if you have it. For rural or wooded area homes that need an annual clean-up, your fuel is free as long as you don’t mind the man hours. Think of it as a great workout.

Of course, with the pros come the cons. If you don’t have wood readily available, this kind of burner can get very expensive. If you do, you still have to cut and stack it yourself. It also needs to stay dry in order to light reliably. Wood is also pretty messy and while those piles can look great if they are well constructed, they also make perfect homes for rodents, termites, and mold. Finally, there is the efficiency factor. Wood burns hot and fast and regulating temperature is a lot tougher than other heating methods. Wood also emits particles into the air, which could affect people with breathing problems or asthma. And of course, there is also the need for a chimney which may make it prohibitive for some people.


A pellet fireplace or stove uses small, compressed cylinders of sawdust to heat the home. What’s great about pellet stoves is that they are temperature regulated and don’t require a traditional chimney since many stoves use blowers to circulate heat. Another reason to love them is their efficiency. Because heat can be regulated and pellets are easier to maneuver, most homeowners can expect a cleaner, less labor-intensive burn.

Of course, pellet stoves have a few negative aspects to consider. While cleaner burning than wood, pellets are made from sawdust, which will bother people who are sensitive to dust, dander, and pollen. Similar to wood, there is also ash to consider, which needs to be dumped regularly to keep the fire burning efficiently. Pellet stoves are generally more intricate than a wood fireplace, which means there is more to clean and maintain. Finally, most stoves run on electricity which means you’re paying for both the pellets and the energy to burn them.

Natural Gas

Natural gas fireplaces have become one of the most popular options today, mainly because a unit can be fit into an existing fireplace or practically anywhere in the home. People love gas because it’s fast to heat, easy to control, and doesn’t require a chimney or electricity. Simply set the temperature you want and you’re ready to go. In comparison to wood or pellets, natural gas emits the least amount of particles, making it a popular choice for people who have breathing sensitivities. As long as your house already has natural gas, the set up is really easy and you don’t have to worry about buying anything to keep your home warm.

While natural gas does tick plenty of boxes, there are a few things to think about. Admittedly, natural gas flames are the most boring and predictable, making it the least ambiance-friendly option of the three. Of course, you’re also burning a fossil fuel, which is inexpensive right now but can always go up. Finally, if you don’t already have a gas line, you’ll need to get one installed, which might end up being more of a hassle than it’s worth. 

Bob O’Donnell is the owner of O’Donnell Bros. Inc., a Bristol-based home improvement company established in 1975. Email your questions to with the subject line “Ask the Pro.” All questions may be considered for publication. To contact Bob for your remodeling needs, call O’Donnell Bros. Inc. at (860) 589-5155 or visit Advice is for guidance only.